Bellissima recensione da “coccole al silicio” di radio wombat.
Audio PlayerMusica in CC dalla penisola greca!
sia i talk che la CTF, capture the flag! mitica!
Su Radio Città Fujiko, il martedì dalle 14.00 alle 15.00 per tutto il 2024-2025
Bellissima recensione da “coccole al silicio” di radio wombat.
Audio PlayerMusica in CC dalla penisola greca!
sia i talk che la CTF, capture the flag! mitica!
On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 11:51:54 +0200
Every W3C standard until 2017 formalised some technological means of
giving users control over their computers, from the power to display a
certain kind of image format to the power to render complicated
web-pages in browsers. This week, the W3C published a
first-of-its-kind recommendation titled Encrypted Media Extensions
(EME) that does just the opposite. It enables media companies from
Netflix to the BBC to remotely control your computer while you are
enjoying copyrighted works, preventing you from (for example) saving
a programme for later, without regard to whether you have the legal
right to do so.